Have you heard of the “100 days of summer” between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day? This period has the reputation for being the most dangerous time of year for teenagers who drive.
In one four-year period, over 5,000 motorists and passengers died in collisions with teen drivers during those 100 days, according to AAA said today. One study commissioned by the Foundation for Traffic Safety indicated that almost 60 percent of accidents involving teenagers was tied to distracted driving. AAA stated that in the past half decade, the number of accidents where teen drivers were involved shot up 16 percent eacj day during the 100 days.
A major reason for this is the tendency during summer for teens to ride around with friends. The vice president of the National Safety Council said, “We have always known that passengers were a big risk for teens, but . . . passengers may be one of the most important risks for teens, even more so than things like texting.”
Those are some sobering statistics. Parents may dread having to police the occupancy of their children’s cars, but if it saves a child’s life, it can definitely be worth it.
If your child is injured while riding with another teen driver, he or she may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. This is especially likely if the other teen was negligent by imbibing alcohol or taking drugs before they got behind the wheel and crashed the vehicle.
While a criminal conviction for underage driving under the influence is not necessary to pursue a civil claim, it may bolster one’s case signigicantly.
Source: CNN, “Parents, beware: These are the 100 deadliest days for teens,” Kelly Wallace, June 01, 2016