Defending Students In Drunk Driving And Other Charges
A conviction for drunk driving or any other criminal offense will cause serious problems for anybody, but college or university students face an additional set of consequences: problems with the academic authorities on campus and damage to future career options.
Our lawyers know how to handle your criminal defense while looking out for your academic interests. For reliable advice and skilled representation with both the immediate and long-range problems of drunk driving or other criminal charges, contact a defense attorney at Daniels & Rothman in Athens.
Standing Up For Students’ Criminal Rights
We represent students from the University of Georgia and other north Georgia institutions on such criminal charges as:
- Misdemeanor, repeat offender, underage or felony drunk driving
- Drug possession or distribution
- Underage alcohol charges such as minor consumption or minor in possession
- Fake ID or fraudulent document charges
- Public drunkenness, obstruction of justice or disorderly conduct
At UGA, a first misdemeanor offense on most of these charges will not expose you to particular problems with the university authorities, but any repeat offense or arrest while on academic probation raises a serious risk of suspension. You could also face expulsion from campus housing, loss of a scholarship, or barred access to competitive study or professional programs.
Dedicated, Discrete College Crime Lawyers
We’re committed to protecting your future opportunities and access to licensed professions just as much as we’re interested in resolving your criminal defense problem.
Whether your case involves drunk driving, marijuana possession, or possession of a fake ID, we can help you. Contact a criminal defense attorney using our online form or dialing Daniels & Rothman at 706-621-5166 to arrange your free consultation.