Skilled Defense Against Serious Federal Drug Charges
Drug cases involving large quantities of controlled substances, weapons as well as drugs, or complex drug trafficking conspiracies are normally referred to the U.S. Attorney’s office for prosecution in the federal system. If you’re facing federal drug charges in Georgia, contact an experienced defense attorney at the law firm of Daniels & Rothman in Athens.
Federal cases are charged by grand jury indictment. If you have reason to believe that you are under federal investigation before the grand jury returns its charges, you stand to benefit in many ways if you get a lawyer’s advice immediately.
Potential Penalties For Federal Drug Crimes
Federal drug crimes can be very significant and carry severe sentences. This is why people must understand what those sentences look like and what defense options they have. To help, let’s take a look at the factors involved in sentencing and some potential sentences:
The Total Substance Amount
One thing to consider is that the total amount of an illegal substance can be used to determine the severity of the ramifications. For example, if someone is arrested for trafficking 1kg of heroin, the sentencing guidelines say that they may not receive a sentence of less than 10 years. However, if they had 100 grams, then the lower limit for sentencing may be set at five years. This works the same way for other substances, such as 1g versus 10g of LSD or 40g versus 400g of fentanyl.
The Number Of Offenses
When someone has prior offenses, that can also make a difference. For instance, if someone is convicted of a first offense for trafficking cocaine that involves under 5000g, their sentence should be between five and 40 years. But if it’s a second offense, then the sentence should be between 10 years and life. It’s important to keep in mind how the ramifications can escalate with each subsequent charge.
Aggravating Factors
Finally, there can be additional aggravating factors that change the sentencing. For example, some reports claim that 28.8% of federal drug sentences were increased because the suspect was in possession of a weapon at the time. In another 6.3% of these cases, the sentence was increased because the suspect was a supervisor or a leader in a drug trafficking operation.
The average length of a sentence also varies significantly by the type of substance. For instance, the average sentence for methamphetamine trafficking is 100 months, while the average for heroin is 67 months. The average for a painkiller like Oxycodone is 52 months.
As you can see, many different factors influence federal drug sentencing, and that is why it’s so important to work with our experienced and skillful legal team.
Early Attention From A Drug Crimes Lawyer Makes A Difference
The government is usually easier to deal with before it’s committed to a particular set of drug charges, and our advice prior to indictment can often keep you from ever having to face the most serious potential charges. We represent people facing actual or potential federal drug charges in such situations as:
- Interstate or international drug trafficking or distribution conspiracies
- Charges related to the manufacture or cultivation of methamphetamine or marijuana
- Seizure of cocaine or heroin together with firearms
- Drug distribution charges that depend on the testimony of a confidential informant or undercover agent
- Cases involving unauthorized possession of prescription drugs or forged prescriptions
- Money laundering cases related to a broader drug investigation
- Federal asset forfeiture proceedings involving cash, real estate, vehicles or other property
Our goal in all drug cases is to minimize your exposure to punishment while protecting the full range of your legal, family, professional and financial interests.
Strong. Aggressive. Persistent.
For additional information about our ability to represent you effectively against federal drug charges, call 706-621-5166 or email our online form to contact a criminal trial lawyer at Daniels & Rothman in Athens.