We are fighters
who will do everything we can to protect your rights and your future.

The attorneys of Daniels & Rothman, P.C.

Our Lawyers Defend Clients Charged With Underage DUI

For dependable advice about your best defense options to resolve a charge of underage DUI on favorable terms, contact an experienced attorney at Daniels & Rothman in Athens.

Our location near the University of Georgia has given us plenty of experience in defending students and other people under 21 on DUI charges. What makes us different, however, is our interest in winning your case rather than pleading you guilty to reduced or compromised charges.

We Concentrate On Winning DUI Cases, Not Compromising Them

Our experience with the investigation, analysis and defense of DUI charges enables us to attack the case against you. We look at the circumstances of your traffic stop, your field sobriety testing, your blood, breath or urine test (if any), and the other facts of your case to find the weaknesses in the evidence against you. At the same time, we develop the constitutional arguments that can lead to an early dismissal of the case. Our goal is not to get you off with minimal punishment, but to beat your case entirely. Our effective DUI defense methods can help you avoid the possibility of jail time and a lengthy license suspension.

Remember, a blood alcohol reading of .02 is enough to support a DUI conviction for drivers under 21. The standard suspension for any alcohol concentration is six months, while a reading of .08 or higher will get you a day in jail and a year off the road. The severity of underage DUI penalties makes it highly advisable to trust your case to a lawyer who’s focused on winning it.

We also advise students charged with other offenses, such as drug possession or disorderly conduct. We can help you deal with the academic consequences of an arrest or conviction as well as the immediate criminal charges.

Talk To Us Today About Your Charges

For a free consultation about your case, dial 706-621-5166 or complete our online form to contact a DUI defense attorney at the Athens law firm of Daniels & Rothman.