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DUI less safe charge in news center crash in Atlanta

| Jun 17, 2014 | DUI |

A car accident around 4:15 a.m. on June 13 has resulted in several charges against the driver of the sole vehicle involved. The man reportedly drove into the lobby of a major news network’s center in Atlanta, crashing into the glass entrance. The driver of the vehicle was reportedly in possession of marijuana at the time of the crash. Additionally, authorities note that he admitted to smoking marijuana at some point prior to the incident.

The Mercedes convertible had a Florida tag and came to a stop all the way inside the building’s entry area. Although initial reports do not indicate whether the man or his female passenger suffered any injuries, witnesses indicate that nobody was transported via ambulance. Upon completion of the removal of the Mercedes from the lobby of the building, authorities at the scene allowed the female passenger to retrieve personal belongings from the vehicle. These included a flat-screen television and a laptop. Meanwhile, the driver was detained on suspicion of DUI less safe as well as possession of marijuana and reckless driving.

A less safe DUI charge in Georgia may be related to alcohol or drugs. In a drug case, less safe might be warranted if a driver who demonstrates erratic or less safe driving has used marijuana. In this case, the prosecution might try to prove less safe driving because of the defendant’s alleged admission to use of marijuana and crashing into a building.

An attorney assisting in such a scenario might determine if official protocol was followed in obtaining an admission of marijuana use. In addition to evaluating accident reports and other details, the attorney might recommend a medical evaluation of a client to ensure that another medical issue did not contribute to the accident.

Source: FOX 43, “Driver crashes car through CNN Center lobby – Charged with DUI less safe “, Mandi Milligan and Rebekka Schramm, June 13, 2014
