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Knowledge is power, especially with DUI statistics

| Feb 20, 2014 | DUI |

The tests and procedures used to identify a Georgia driver’s blood alcohol content are not without their limitations. Indeed, in many DUI cases, an accused individual can succeed in getting a Breathalyzer or blood test thrown out so that it cannot be used as evidence in court. That said, there is no guarantee that this will always work. As such, the best strategy is simply to avoid getting accused of DUI in the first place.

For some, the potential legal consequences of being convicted of DUI are enough to prevent them from ever getting behind the wheel while inebriated. The potential consequences are indeed severe, as they include the potential of serving jail time and/or losing one’s driving privileges. However, certain drivers may need to hear some sobering statistics before they are fully convinced not to drive under the influence.

For example, every single minute, a person in the United States is injured as a result of a drunk driving accident. On average, 10,000 deaths occur each year from alcohol-related collisions. Also, one out of every three people will find themselves in a crash caused by alcohol at some point in his or her life.

Further statistics point to the fact that 6,000 people die from underage drinking each year. Also, on average, people who are arrested and charged with drunk driving have done so 80 times prior to their first arrest. Finally, 50 to 75 percent of those convicted of DUI will keep driving, even if their licenses are suspended.

For some who have already been arrested and accused of DUI in Georgia, these sobering statistics may seem like they are coming too late. However, it is never too late to improve one’s driving habits. Also, for drivers who are defending themselves in court against DUI charges, help and assistance is available. Indeed, by applying the law in a way that benefits the accused, one may be able to limit the chances of conviction or diminish punishments in the event that a conviction appears unavoidable.

Source: carbreathalyzerhelp.com, 10 Sobering DUI Statistics, Caroline Briggs, Feb. 17, 2014
