There is no doubt that most Georgia readers know how strict our state’s laws are regarding driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Many may not know, however, that DUI is not limited to automobiles. In fact, an individual can be arrested for operating a boat, Jet Ski or other watercraft while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Recently, a University of Georgia football player was arrested after Georgia Department of Natural Resources officers in a helicopter saw him operating a Jet Ski while pulling two inner tube floats. State law prohibits the single operator of a watercraft from pulling tubes and floats without a second individual on hand as a spotter. When DNR officials approached the football player, the 19-year-old placekicker refused to take blood alcohol tests.
He allegedly exhibited signs of intoxication, and police say that he admitted that he had drank alcohol that day. Reports do not indicate whether officials administered BAC tests, or what any such results revealed. The UGA player was arrested for boating under the influence, and was released on bond shortly thereafter.
It is no secret that Georgia laws are strict toward individuals who are suspected of DUI. Unfortunately, the consequences of a DUI arrest begin immediately for a UGA football player, which makes it imperative that they are proactive in defending themselves against the allegations. According to reports, first-time DUI arrests can result in an athletic suspension of 20 percent of the season. Beyond the athletic penalties, DUI convictions can result in serious, life altering consequences including fines, probation or even jail time. This is why it is vital to seek a strong criminal defense to help protect one’s educational, professional and social pursuits.
Source: Source:, “UGA kicker Morgan arrested for boating under influence at Lake Sinclair,” Chris White, July 2, 2013