A recent article in the Times-Georgian discusses the debate around DUI checkpoints in Georgia and around the U.S. Law enforcement agencies generally are in favor of the sobriety checkpoints because they say they result in many DUI arrests, but others wonder question whether they are the most effective use of officers’ time and resources.
Some also question whether they should even be legal. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled them constitutional, but some question that decision. The Times-Georgian quotes a man from the Reason Foundation who asks whether a checkpoint that stops every vehicle without any probable cause is not a violation of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unlawful search and seizure.
Georgia law enforcement officers say that the sobriety checkpoints are set up to check that people’s driver’s licenses and auto insurance are up-to-date. The checkpoints also result in arrests for drug possession, seat belt and child safety seat violations and DUI. Officers say another purpose of the checkpoints is to demonstrate police presence to a community in order to deter people from driving while intoxicated or breaking other traffic laws.
In addition, officers say that the checkpoints are safer for officers because more of them are together. The checkpoints also save on gasoline costs since the officers are not solely driving around on roving patrols. Officers also say that even if they only catch one driver who is driving while intoxicated it potentially saved a life as well as the costs of responding to an accident.
Law enforcement agencies say DUI checkpoints are effective (Times-Georgian)