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In Georgia, You Can Get a DUI on a Bicycle

| Sep 15, 2010 | DUI |

Now that the weather is getting cooler and more pleasant for outdoor exercise and with all the talk about leaving a smaller carbon footprint, you may decide to spend more time riding your bicycle. You also may decide to ride your bicycle to all those end-of-summer parties. You may commute to work well as to after-work happy hour. Students returning to the college campus may be riding their bikes to classes as well as to parties.

A bicycle is a great mode of alternative transportation, but it is good to remember that under Georgia law, a bicycle is not seen much differently than a car. Under Georgia law, a bicycle is considered a vehicle. For this reason, a person riding a bicycle needs to follow all the same traffic rules as a car. A bicyclist can be cited for failing to stop for a red light or a stop sign. It is also possible for a person riding a bicycle to be cited for DUI if they are biking while intoxicated.

So, keep in mind that if you are riding your bike to parties or bars to avoid driving your car while intoxicated, you may have to find an alternative to your alternative transportation if you’ve had too much to drink to bike home. Be safe, and no matter what, always wear your helmet!


Cyclists must follow rules of road (Rome News-Tribune)
