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AJC Also Obtained Evans’ Phone Records from UGA

| Jul 30, 2010 | DUI |

As reported in the previous post, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution obtained 500 pages of documents from the University of Georgia regarding former athletic director Damon Evans. The documents included e-mails that Evans received after being arrested for DUI a month ago in Atlanta. The AJC also obtained phone records for Evans a few days after the first batch of documents.

The AJC reported that the phone records showed that Evans had exchanged about 250 text messages over a period of a few weeks with Courtney Fuhrmann, who was the passenger in his car at the time of his DUI arrest. Fuhrmann, 28, was also arrested on the night of June 30 for disorderly conduct. She reportedly would not obey the arresting officer’s order to remain in the car.

As reported in the previous post, there has been speculation over the relationship between Evans and Fuhrmann. Evans has called Fuhrmann “a friend.” The AJC reports that the records show that the two exchanged four texts the morning after they were arrested. That same day, July 1, Evans held a press conference in Athens to apologize to the UGA community for his DUI arrest. The records show that Evans placed two calls to Fuhrmann about an hour after the news conference lasting 8 minutes all together. 



Evans documents include e-mail from Courtney Fuhrmann (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Phone records: Evans, Fuhrmann exchanged about 250 texts (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution) 
