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How to divorce a narcissistic spouse

On Behalf of | Jan 6, 2025 | Divorce |

You’ve put up with the lies, the gaslighting and all the other negative behaviors that come with marriage to a narcissist. You have thrown in the towel on this marriage and are looking for a safe way out.

It’s a new year and time for a new start. Below is some important information about divorcing a narcissist.

Plan a safe exit

It’s likely not in your best interest to alert your soon-to-be ex-spouse that you plan to file for divorce. While you still have access, make copies of all your financial statements — tax returns, retirement accounts, bank statements and more.

Make sure that you and any children you share have a safe place to go. It’s better not to tell them until you are ready to leave because it will only make them upset and worried (and they may tell your ex what’s happening).

Keep records of all events

Narcissists rarely accept an easy divorce. They will drag out the divorce, insist on litigating and may hide, destroy or try to alter financial documents. They could act out violently, so you may wat to get a restraining order to protect yourself. Take pictures of any injuries and screenshots of any threatening text messages or emails you receive to bolster your case.

Consider getting counseling

 Especially if children are involved, counseling is a good option to help you and your kids process their feelings about the divorce. The counselor, with your permission, could be a potential witness should you wind up litigating your divorce in a family law court.

Ultimately, the decision to divorce is a major life event. Building a support network that can help you through the process is vital to help you navigate the shoals of a divorce.
