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Why is the divorce rate dropping for younger couples?

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2024 | Divorce |

Looking at divorce statistics can be very interesting, especially when you consider age. On one hand, getting married at a young age makes it more likely that a couple will split up. Couples who get married at 18, for example, have some of the highest divorce rates in the country.

But an interesting thing has been happening over the years. The divorce rate for couples under 45 years old has been going down. Meanwhile, the divorce rate for couples over 45 has been trending upward. What has led to this shift?

Cohabitation trends

One change is that young couples in 2024 are much more likely to cohabitate before marriage than they would have been even 50 years ago. The average age of marriage keeps going up and it is currently around 30 years old. This means that many young couples cohabitate and break up, but it does not actually count for the divorce statistics because they did not get married. 

Different stages in life

Conversely, when looking at why older couples are getting divorced more often, it is sometimes because they are moving into a different stage in their lives. For instance, their children move out and they become empty nesters. This causes them to reevaluate what they want out of life, which can result in a divorce.

If you’re getting divorced at any age, it is important to consider the potential complications. Older couples tend to have more assets, for instance, whereas younger couples are more likely to have minor children. While doing this, carefully investigate your legal options.

