Many people are pulled over for driving under the influence after a law enforcement official observes abnormal behavior on the road or a driver is stopped at a checkpoint. However, some people are charged with drunk driving following a collision with another vehicle (or an accident that only involves one driver). It is important to understand that when DUI charges involve accidents, the consequences are often much more significant from a legal standpoint and drivers in this position have to understand how much is at stake in terms of their future.
If a crash occurred because a driver was under the influence and someone else sustained an injury or passed away, those charged with driving drunk will face serious consequences. Many people in this position are already flooded with intense feelings of guilt, anxiety and depression. Some give up all hope and have no energy to deal with the legal system or spend time looking into their legal options. However, it is important for drivers who are facing these hurdles to thoroughly look over the legal options that are in front of them and approach their case from the right angle.
Our law firm recognizes that drunk driving episodes which lead to an accident cause a lot of turmoil in the lives of those involved and these cases are especially difficult to work through. As a result, consulting with a legal professional who thoroughly understands how to move forward during such a crisis is very helpful. Our website covers a wide range of topics related to drunk driving charges, browse through our blog for more information.