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Alleged drunk driver charged with resisting officers, pulling gun

| May 11, 2018 | DUI |

If you’re pulled over by a law enforcement officer for suspected drunk driving, the last thing you should do is resist the officer in any way — and certainly not with a weapon. This can only make matters worse. Unfortunately, not everyone exercises good judgment when they’re in that situation —

particularly if they are indeed under the influence.

A 62-year-old Georgia man is facing multiple charges that include aggravated assault on an officer, obstruction of an officer and possession of a gun during a crime. Those are in addition to DUI, open container and other violations.

The incident occurred on the morning of April 24 in Woodstock. Officers were told that there was a suspected drunk driver in the area. The alleged drunk driver was spotted by a Woodstock police officer, who followed him until he eventually turned into a driveway.

When the driver emerged from his vehicle, officers say they could smell alcohol in the car. They reportedly spotted a half-empty can of Mike’s Harder Lemonade, which contains 8 percent alcohol. When asked if he’d been drinking, the driver reportedly told officers that he’d “had a couple.” His blood alcohol content was later measured at over .22 percent.

Officers said that they asked the man to get out of the vehicle and proceeded to pat him down. Although he reportedly told them he didn’t have a gun, officers say he pulled a handgun from his pocket during the pat-down. An officer was able to knock the gun from his hand. However, they say he “continued resisting and fighting” them. In all, four officers worked to subdue him. None of the officers was injured, but the driver suffered minor cuts on his face.

It wasn’t reported why the driver allegedly didn’t tell officers about his weapon when they asked and why he resisted them. Obviously, this makes the potential consequences much more serious than they otherwise would have been.

Certainly, no one wants to be arrested for DUI. However, if you are facing the prospect of arrest or have been arrested, it’s essential to cooperate with authorities. You can assert your rights, but it’s crucial that you do so in a polite, non-threatening manner. Leave it to your criminal defense attorney to review the charges, work to protect your rights and present your case.

Source: Woodstock Patch, “Accused Drunk Driver Pulls Out Gun During Traffic Stop,” Krystal Dixon, April 25, 2018
