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Don’t get caught as a ‘SuperSpeeder’

| Jan 22, 2016 | License Suspension |

Georgia has a “SuperSpeeder Law” on its books that fines drivers extra if they exceed 75 mph on two-lane highways or drive faster than 85 mph on highways or other roads.

The additional $200 fees are tacked onto whatever other fees are charged by the courts having jurisdiction over the area where the speeding took place. Those who neglect to pay the “SuperSpeeder” fees get another $50 tacked onto the already high fine and get their driver’s license suspended.

This highway safety law is designed to save motorists and passengers from being injured and killed on Georgia roads. According to statistical data, approximately every day, a person is killed due to excessive speeding by drivers here in the state.

The fees collected under the “SuperSpeeder Law” are used to partially fund Georgia’s trauma care hospitals that treat about 60 percent of all patients suffering from collision-related trauma. The forces from a crash double on impact for each 10 mph above 50 mph. Higher speeds reduce drivers’ abilities to slow down and avoid wrecks.

While these are laudable goals, not everyone who is accused of driving at these higher rates of speed is actually guilty. Law enforcement personnel can fail to properly calibrate their radar guns or the vehicle may be captured speeding but another driver other than the registered owner may have been behind the wheel at the time of the infraction. Perhaps the person was indeed speeding but was on his or her way to the hospital in an emergency.

There are actually many reasons why a person could be targeted for excessive speeding that could be quite legitimate. A defense attorney may be able to present a defense in court that results in the ticket being dismissed or the fine greatly reduced.

Source: Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, “Super Speeder Law,” accessed Jan. 22, 2016
