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Georgia man faces vehicular homicide, possible DUI first offense

| Sep 28, 2013 | DUI First Offense |

A man from Perry, Georgia will face charges of vehicular homicide after he allegedly participated in a drag race that caused the death of a teenager. In addition, police have charged him with DUI. It is not known whether or not it is DUI first offense, or if he has a prior DUI charge on his record. According to police, the 44-year-old man turned himself into authorities on his own accord on Wednesday Sept. 19. The incident occurred on April 21, earlier this year.

Police deputies allege that the man was driving his vehicle at a speed of more than 100 mph in a speed zone marked 45 mph. Police allege that he then lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a tree, which killed the teenage passenger who was riding in the car with him. The driver was taken to the hospital following the accident and one of his legs was later amputated due to the injuries he suffered.

Police suspect that the man drinking and driving at the time of the crash. They have charged him with first-degree homicide by vehicle, DUI, giving alcoholic beverages to minors, failing to maintain a lane, and failure to use a seatbelt. They have also charged him with racing, driving at an unsafe speed considering the road conditions, and reckless driving.

A third individual was riding in the car during the accident, but fortunately he did not suffer life-threatening injuries. The charges faced by the man are serious and if he is convicted of the crimes, he could face jail time. For this reason, he will require an in-depth and intelligently planned defense in order to try and get the worst of his charges dropped. Whether or not he is being charged with DUI first offense, or this is his first DUI in Georgia, there are numerous legal strategies that can be employed on behalf of this man to improve his situation under the law and it will likely be his attorney’s first priority to get the charge of vehicular homicide dropped and/or dismissed as it is by far the most serious.

Source: 41nbc.com, Perry Man Faces Vehicular Homicide and DUI Charges in Teen’s Death, Elaine Rackley, Sept. 19, 2013
