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Georgia State Trooper facing DUI charges

| Aug 26, 2013 | DUI |

Georgia residents may be accustomed to reading about DUI charges in the newspaper or other media outlets. Circumstances of these cases always vary, but unfortunately people can often be persuaded to think the accused is guilty. A recent DUI case involving a Georgia State Trooper has grabbed the attention of many.

The 27-year-old trooper was not on duty at the time of the charges. The charges stem from an accident that took place at which time the man was driving a patrol car. Reports state he steered off the roadway, striking a guardrail. At that time, for unknown reasons, the man left the scene of the crash. Once the man returned to the patrol post, he was placed under arrest after another officer reported an odor of alcohol.

The man is now facing a series of charges including DUI, leaving the scene of an accident, and failing to maintain lane. While the investigation continues, the man is on administrative leave, but it was not noted if he will be paid during this time. The facts of this case could prove to be critical in the man’s defense. It was not noted if there were any witnesses. Another fact that wasn’t mentioned was if the man’s blood alcohol content known.

Any Georgia resident that may find themselves in a similar situation facing DUI charges could benefit from knowing their rights within the applicable state laws. An understanding of one’s rights could be helpful when moving forward. Many factors can contribute to the outcome of such a case, including not only the circumstances of the current charges, but any previous convictions as well. With the proper knowledge, a person can be hopeful that a fair outcome will be achieved.

Source: Source: 41nbc.com, “State Trooper Arrested, Charged with DUI in Perry,” Aug. 14, 2013
