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Minor in possession charges at University of Georgia

| Jul 31, 2013 | Underage Drinking |

At the University of Georgia, there is the danger of a college student being accused of various crimes simply because he or she is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Police patrolling a university campus often confront issues involving a  minor in possession of alcohol, possession of marijuana, DUI and related issues among the student population. However, in some cases the student initially thought to have been breaking the law is innocent while an acquaintance who should have been charged escapes notice. In other cases, the charges are may be subject to dismissal on defense motion or after trial. Each criminal case is different, and each merit careful consideration and preparation after a thorough review of all the facts and circumstances that led to an arrest.

For example, recently, two UGA students were arrested and charged with marijuana possession and possession of fake identification. The arrests occurred after a University of Georgia police officer allegedly smelled marijuana, then allegedly found that both students had marijuana in their possession. One of the students was also charged with underage alcohol possession.

In another case, a University of Georgia employee was arrested for allegedly driving with a suspended license. An officer allegedly pulled the man over after hearing loud music coming from his car. The officer allegedly smelled alcohol, but the man refused to take a field sobriety test, the officer still arrested him and charged him with a suspended license violation.

In one more case, a student at the University of Georgia was pulled over by a police officer because the music in his car was allegedly very loud. After the traffic stop, which occurred at approximately 3:50 a.m., the police officer alleges that he smelled alcohol on the student’s breath among other signs of alcohol. Allegedly, the student had a blood-alcohol level of .18. The officer arrested him on charges of DUI.

It is important to remember that just because someone has been arrested and accused of a crime, such as an accusation of minor in possession of alcohol, it does not mean that he or she will be convicted or punished. Many arrests happen every day, and many charges are dropped once a court has the opportunity to examine the facts. Legal defense strategies can often be employed to ensure protection of an accused’s legal rights while fighting for the best possible outcome regarding the underlying allegations.

Source: The Red and Black, “Possession, DUI charges for UGA affiliates,” Brad Mannion, July 19, 2013
