An 18-year-old Athens man was taken into custody after apparently losing control of his car and knocking down a portion of a fence at the North Campus of the University of Georgia. Police are charging him with improper driving and DUI involving drugs. No one was hurt in the accident, which occurred on a weekday a little before 1 a.m.
There was no report from authorities in Athens regarding what type of drugs the man allegedly consumed or how they became aware of his condition. Sometimes, a person can have a reaction to medications, or a combination of medications they have been prescribed. More information may be needed before a determination could be made on how best to proceed in this case.
When an individual is accused of a DUI case involving drugs, toxicology testing is often arranged and evidence collected to determine what type of drug was purportedly involved and how much was allegedly ingested. It is beneficial for a person in this situation to know exactly what evidence the authorities must have and what procedures must be followed for a conviction to be obtained. People who are accused of crimes generally have the right to know the information that prosecutors may be planning to use as evidence against them.
As this case heads to a Georgia criminal courtroom, the accused man will need to focus on the specifics of the accusations as he prepares his criminal defense. Depending on the nature and extent of the evidence, a decision may be made between putting prosecutors to their proof and seeking a favorable plea agreement covering reduced charges and/or sentencing consequences. In determining how to proceed, any prior criminal record and the cost of repairing the fence may be relevant factors.
Source:, “Portion of UGA’s North Campus fence done in by driver charged with DUI drugs,” May 21, 2013