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Assistant basketball coach for Georgia Tech charged with DUI

| Dec 10, 2012 | DUI |

Charges of driving under the influence of alcohol can have far-reaching consequences for folks in Georgia, especially when one’s DUI arrest is highly publicized.

A DUI arrest usually results in several unpleasant consequences before an individual even has a chance to defend his or her case. For example, many folks arrested for drunk driving are at risk of having their licenses suspended for up to one year. In other situations, DUI charges might even affect one’s employment. Losing one’s license is one thing, but losing a job before an individual is convicted of a criminal offense or not is a very serious punishment that could ruin a promising career.

According to reports, an assistant basketball coach at Georgia Tech was absent from the team’s game over the weekend. Georgia Tech reported that the assistant coach is on leave after his recent DUI arrest in Florida. The length of the assistant coach’s leave is “indefinite,” the school recently stated.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office reported that Josh Postorino was arrested on Dec. 6. Reports did not disclose the circumstances of the arrest, only that the assistant coach had been arrested shortly after 3 a.m. in Jacksonville.

The 35-year-old has since been charged with DUI and has not returned to the bench after last week’s arrest. It is not clear if or when Postorino will be able to return to coaching. Postorino has been with Georgia Tech since April 2011.

The arrest did not happen in Georgia, but no state takes drunk driving charges lightly. Postorino faces some serious legal consequences if he is convicted of DUI, but the social consequences have already begun to affect him and his career. With the help of an attorney, the assistant basketball coach may still be able to minimize some of the penalties he now faces.

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Tech basketball assistant arrested for DUI,” Ken Sugiura, Dec. 9, 2012

  • Our Athens, Georgia, firm provides counsel to those who want to fight drunk driving charges and other alcohol-related offenses in order to protect their futures. To learn more about our firm and practice, please visit our firm’s defending DUI charges page.
