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UGA student arrested for public drunkenness after swearing

| Nov 9, 2012 | Underage Drinking |

Earlier this week on our Athens, Georgia, DUI defense law blog, we had mentioned that some college students and local residents are concerned about the number of underage drinking arrests local law enforcement officers are making each year. Although officers can issue a citation for underage drinking, hundreds of minors each year are being arrested instead in Clarke County for the offense. We also mentioned that an arrest results in far more serious consequences compared to a citation.

Taking this information into consideration, some college students might be feeling a little frustrated about the high number of arrests for an offense that may not necessarily warrant an arrest or harsh punishment. However, this does not mean that students should disrespect local law enforcement officers. This could only result in more problems for local residents and college students.

Over the weekend, a University of Georgia student was arrested for public drunkenness after he swore at an Athens-Clarke County Police officer. Even though he can legally drink, he could face some serious consequences as a result of the arrest.

According to The Red & Black, a 21-year-old University of Georgia student was crossing the street over the weekend when he was told by an officer to move off of the roadway. The student allegedly swore at the officer and told the officer that he was 21 and that he didn’t need to move. According to reports, the officer asked the student to stop yelling, but the student continued to yell at the officer in public.

The officer arrested the student. The student was later charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Source: The Red & Black, “UGA student arrested after yelling at officer,” Erica Techo, Nov. 4, 2012

  • Our firm provides counsel to those who want to fight underage drinking charges and other alcohol-related offenses. To learn more about our firm and practice, please visit our Athens, Georgia, student offenses page.
