Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is certainly illegal in Georgia and throughout the entire country, but it is also very dangerous. Whether individuals who are drunk or high get behind the wheel of a vehicle or not, they could still make mistakes they would normally never make while sober.
Over the weekend, one young mother who was allegedly smoking marijuana with some friends forgot some precious cargo on the roof of her vehicle after she drove off from her friend’s house around midnight. The 19-year-old was charged with aggravated DUI after she allegedly forgot that she had placed her 5-week-old baby who was strapped in his car seat on the roof of her vehicle before getting into the car. As the woman drove away from her friend’s house, the infant fell off of the vehicle, still strapped in his infant carrier.
Fortunately, the baby was not injured in the incident, but because a child was involved and could have been seriously harmed, the woman was charged with aggravated DUI and child abuse. However, police did report that they believe the woman did not intend to cause any harm to her child.
The incident happened in Arizona. According to police, the woman had been smoking marijuana at a friend’s house before she left her friend’s house with her sleeping baby. Police said that when the woman drove away from her friend’s house, she must have forgotten that her child was still in his car seat on the roof of the vehicle. When the woman got to her destination, she realized her child was missing.
Fortunately, the child was found alive and unharmed in the road by some neighbors. Police were called to the scene.
Once the mother had realized that she had forgotten her child on the roof of the car, she went back to look for him and arrived at the scene where the child had been found. Police were also at the scene when the woman pulled up in her vehicle.
Source: ABC News, “Mother Drives With 5-Week-Old on Top of Car,” Olivia Katrandjian, June 3, 2012