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Athens man cited for underage drinking after urinating in public

| Mar 19, 2012 | Underage Drinking |

If you can’t make it to the restroom in time, sometimes you just need to go wherever you can find a somewhat secluded spot in public. Well, that’s how one Athens man justified urinating in public over St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Unfortunately, that decision also got him into a little a trouble with the law.

Over the weekend, police in Athens and throughout the entire state were certainly on the lookout for drunk drivers. But police were also probably ready to answer a few calls regarding public drunkenness and underage drinking.

The Athens Banner-Herald reported that police made at least two arrests involving individuals who may have had a little too much fun celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. A 22-year-old man was allegedly attempting to climb an awning at a local restaurant. He was charged with public intoxication. Around 2:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, a 19-year-old was arrested for underage drinking after he was spotted urinating in public.

According to Athens-Clarke County police, the man was spotted urinating from the top of a local parking ramp. When approached by police, the man told them that he really needed to use a restroom and that he simply couldn’t wait any longer to find a bathroom. The man allegedly told police that he had been drinking. Police arrested the man for underage drinking and public urination.

The man’s charges will most likely not have any significant effect on his academic or professional opportunities, but the charges may certainly be a little embarrassing if he ever needs to explain the charges to a prospective employer. No matter how minor or serious one’s criminal charges may be, any individual may benefit from working with an attorney in order to resolve one’s legal problems in the most effective way.

Source: Athens Banner-Herald, “Police round up unruly revelers downtown,” March 18, 2012
