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University of Georgia student arrested for alcohol-related charge

| Jan 24, 2012 | Underage DUI |

Over the weekend, a University of Georgia student was taken into custody by Athens-Clarke County Police after officers noticed the student urinating by a parked vehicle near North Thomas Street. After approaching the woman, police determined that the 20-year-old appeared to be drunk and charged her with underage possession or consumption of alcohol.

University of Georgia students may be fully aware of state laws regarding drinking and driving. If an individual is pulled over by Georgia police and has a blood alcohol reading of 0.08 or higher, the driver will be charged with DUI. Because of the dangers of drunk driving and the legal consequences one may face after being arrested for DUI, many students take precautions to arrange for sober drivers or to walk home if they have been drinking at the bars or at parties.

However, Georgia college students may not always consider that they can also face criminal charges for public drunkenness, and they can certainly face legal penalties and other consequences at school if they are caught consuming alcohol under the legal age of 21. At the University of Georgia in particular, students could face academic probation or suspension for such charges.

Fortunately, college students in Georgia may be given a second chance at their institutions if a charge for underage possession of alcohol or public drunkenness is not a repeat offense. However, they may not be given a second chance with the law. Students who face minor or serious charges for alcohol-related offenses may still benefit from seeking legal guidance from an attorney in order to best protect their future opportunities.

Source: The Red and Black, “University female arrested for urinating in parking deck,” Megan Ernst, Jan. 23, 2012
