No one wants to be arrested for drunk driving, but there are instances when college students and other Georgia residents get behind the wheel of a vehicle without realizing that they may in fact be legally drunk. If these drivers are pulled over for any minor traffic offense, they could suddenly find themselves under arrest for DUI.
So how can University of Georgia students and other Athens residents who are confident that they are fully capable of driving tell if their blood alcohol concentration is at or above the legal limit of 0.08 before driving in order to avoid a DUI arrest?
The most obvious answer is to not drive at all after one has been drinking. Individuals who know that they will be getting at least one beer at the bar may want to arrange to take a cab home or to call a sober driver. But if Athens residents are adamant about driving after drinking, they can download a phone app that could help them to understand just how much of an effect even a small amount of alcohol could have on their bodies.
The iPhone app recently became available in November and currently costs 99 cents to download. It is called BreathalEyes and measures a user’s eye movements, much like a method used during field sobriety tests, in order to determine if the user is legally intoxicated or not.
Individuals use their iPhone’s camera to scan their eye movements. The app then lets the user know if any involuntary eye jerking was detected during the scan which could indicate that the user is drunk. It also estimates the user’s blood-alcohol content.
The makers of the app warn users that although the app is backed by science, there is some margin for error in readings. However, the app may certainly help individuals to make better decisions before getting in the driver’s seat after drinking.
Source: Insurance Journal, “Drunk Driver Test? There’s an App for That,” Jan. 4, 2012