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Hines Ward says he was not driving while intoxicated

| Jul 19, 2011 | DUI |

Former UGA football star and current NFL receiver, Hines Ward, says that he had had two drinks sometime before driving a week from last Saturday, but denied that he was driving while intoxicated. Ward was arrested on suspicion of DUI in DeKalb County, Georgia.

In Ward’s defense, his attorney points out that it has not been illegal to drive after having a drink of alcohol since 1933. Ward maintains that his blood-alcohol concentration level was not over the legal limit at the time that he driving.

The police officer said in the report that Ward smelled of alcohol, had blood-shot eyes and could not keep his balance. He also said that he gave field sobriety tests to Ward. He said that Ward could not recite the alphabet from D to X. Ward’s defense points out that field sobriety tests are a subjective report by the officer.

Ward said that he had his last drink two and a half hours before he was pulled over on suspicion of DUI. The officer that pulled him over said that he saw him swerving and saw him jump a curb. He was taken to the DeKalb County jail and later released on bond.

Another professional sports player was recently arrested on suspicion of DUI in Georgia, but the charges against him were eventually dropped. Braves pitcher Derek Lowe was arrested in Atlanta and charged with DUI and reckless driving. The charges were dropped because there was not enough evidence that he was driving over the legal limit.

Source: 41 WMGT, “Police Report Details NFL Receiver Hines Ward’s DUI Screening,” 17 July 2011
