Georgia law enforcement officers will be out in full force over the long holiday weekend. Memorial Day weekend officially started on Friday afternoon at 6 p.m. and will continue through Monday at midnight, according to the perspective of law enforcement officers.
Police officers will be looking for people who are driving under the influence of alcohol over the weekend as well as people who are speeding or driving aggressively. Police will also be enforcing safety laws, such as seat belt use and the proper use of child safety restraints. There will likely be plenty of DUI and sobriety checkpoints to check for drivers’ compliance with traffic laws.
Extra law enforcement officers will be patrolling the roads over the weekend, including HEAT units. As reported in previous posts, HEAT (Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic) units will be on Georgia’s roads throughout the summer.
Police officers say they want drivers to stay safe. The number of traffic fatalities over Memorial Day weekend in 2010 was the lowest ever since the Georgia Department of Public Safety started keeping records on those numbers in 1969. Even so, 5 people died in traffic accidents and 945 people were injured. The most deaths occurred in 2005.
It is important to take into account the increased traffic on the road and be patient in your desire to get to your final destination. It is better to take your time getting there and to make sure you and your family or passengers are properly buckled into your vehicle.
Have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!
Police to target drunk drivers, speeders over long weekend (Times-Georgian)