Law enforcement officers were out in full force in the days before and during the Labor Day weekend in order to crack down on drunk driving, speeding and other violations. One person who learned this the hard way was rapper T.I.
T.I. was pulled over with his wife, Tameka “Tiny” Cottle, on September 1 for allegedly making an illegal U-turn in Hollywood. The police officers found illegal drugs in T.I.’s possession and now T.I. is facing a possible return to prison for violating the terms of his probation.
According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, T.I. has been ordered by U.S. District Judge Charles Pannell Jr. to explain to him during a revocation hearing why T.I.’s probation should not be revoked.
T.I., whose real name is Clifford Harris Jr., spent time in prison for firearms violations and has been on probation since being released earlier this year. T.I.’s probation officer listed three possible violations of his probation in the order that a revocation hearing be held.
T.I. had alleged probation violations on September 1 and 2. On September 1, he was found in possession of ecstasy and found to be associating with a convicted felon, Cortez Thomas. On September 2, T.I. tested positive for opiates.
U.S. Attorney ‘very disappointed’ with T.I. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)